11.7 — An introduction to std::string_view

In the previous lesson, we talked about C-style strings, and the dangers of using them. C-style strings are fast, but they’re not as easy to use and as safe as std::string.

But std::string (which we covered in lesson 4.13 -- An introduction to std::string), has some of its own downsides, particularly when it comes to const strings.

Consider the following example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
  char text[]{ "hello" };
  std::string str{ text };
  std::string more{ str };

  std::cout << text << ' ' << str << ' ' << more << '\n';

  return 0;

As expected, this prints

hello hello hello

Internally, main copies the string “hello” 3 times, resulting in 4 copies. First, there is the string literal “hello”, which is known at compile-time and stored in the binary. One copy is created when we create the char[]. The following two std::string objects create one copy of the string each. Because std::string is designed to be modifiable, each std::string must contain its own copy of the string, so that a given std::string can be modified without affecting any other std::string object.

This holds true for const std::string, even though they can’t be modified.

Introducing std::string_view

Consider a window in your house, looking at a car sitting on the street. You can look through the window and see the car, but you can’t touch or move the car. Your window just provides a view to the car, which is a completely separate object.

C++17 introduces another way of using strings, std::string_view, which lives in the <string_view> header.

Unlike std::string, which keeps its own copy of the string, std::string_view provides a view of a string that is defined elsewhere.

We can re-write the above code to use std::string_view by replacing every std::string with std::string_view.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main()
  std::string_view text{ "hello" }; // view the text "hello", which is stored in the binary
  std::string_view str{ text }; // view of the same "hello"
  std::string_view more{ str }; // view of the same "hello"

  std::cout << text << ' ' << str << ' ' << more << '\n';

  return 0;

The output is the same, but no more copies of the string “hello” are created. The string “hello” is stored in the binary and is not allocated at run-time. text is only a view onto the string “hello”, so no copy has to be created. When we copy a std::string_view, the new std::string_view observes the same string as the copied-from std::string_view is observing. This means that neither str nor more create any copies. They are views onto the existing string “hello”.

std::string_view is not only fast, but has many of the functions that we know from std::string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
int main()
  std::string_view str{ "Trains are fast!" };
  std::cout << str.length() << '\n'; // 16
  std::cout << str.substr(0, str.find(' ')) << '\n'; // Trains
  std::cout << (str == "Trains are fast!") << '\n'; // 1
  // Since C++20
  std::cout << str.starts_with("Boats") << '\n'; // 0
  std::cout << str.ends_with("fast!") << '\n'; // 1
  std::cout << str << '\n'; // Trains are fast!
  return 0;

Because std::string_view doesn’t create a copy of the string, if we change the viewed string, the changes are reflected in the std::string_view.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main()
  char arr[]{ "Gold" };
  std::string_view str{ arr };

  std::cout << str << '\n'; // Gold

  // Change 'd' to 'f' in arr
  arr[3] = 'f';

  std::cout << str << '\n'; // Golf

  return 0;

We modified arr, but str appears to be changing as well. That’s because arr and str share their string. When you use a std::string_view, it’s best to avoid modifications to the underlying string for the remainder of the std::string_view‘s life to prevent confusion and errors.

Best practice

Use std::string_view instead of C-style strings.

Prefer std::string_view over std::string for read-only strings, unless you already have a std::string.

View modification functions

Back to our window analogy, consider a window with curtains. We can close either the left or right curtain to reduce what we can see. We don’t change what’s outside, we just reduce the visible area.

Similarly, std::string_view contains functions that let us manipulate the view of the string. This allows us to change the view without modifying the viewed string.

The functions for this are remove_prefix, which removes characters from the left side of the view, and remove_suffix, which removes characters from the right side of the view.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main()
  std::string_view str{ "Peach" };

  std::cout << str << '\n';

  // Ignore the first character.

  std::cout << str << '\n';

  // Ignore the last 2 characters.

  std::cout << str << '\n';

  return 0;

This program produces the following output:


Unlike real curtains, a std::string_view cannot be opened back up. Once you shrink the area, the only way to re-widen it is to reset the view by reassigning the source string to it again.

std::string_view works with non-null-terminated strings

Unlike C-style strings and std::string, std::string_view doesn’t use null terminators to mark the end of the string. Rather, it knows where the string ends because it keeps track of its length.

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator> // For std::size
#include <string_view>

int main()
  // No null-terminator.
  char vowels[]{ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' };

  // vowels isn't null-terminated. We need to pass the length manually.
  // Because vowels is an array, we can use std::size to get its length.
  std::string_view str{ vowels, std::size(vowels) };

  std::cout << str << '\n'; // This is safe. std::cout knows how to print std::string_view.

  return 0;

This program prints:


Converting a std::string to a std::string_view

A std::string_view can be constructed from a std::string, and a std::string will implicitly convert to a std::string_view:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

void printSV(std::string_view sv)
    std::cout << sv << '\n';

int main()
    std::string s{ "Hello, world" };
    std::string_view sv{ s }; // construct std::string_view from std::string
    std::cout << sv;

    printSV(s); // implicitly convert std::string to std::string_view
    return 0;

Converting a std::string_view to a std::string

An std::string_view will not implicitly convert to a std::string, but can be explicitly converted:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

void print(std::string s)
  std::cout << s << '\n';

int main()
  std::string_view sv{ "balloon" };


  // print(sv); // compile error: won't implicitly convert

  std::string str{ sv }; // okay

  print(str); // okay

  print(static_cast<std::string>(sv)); // okay
  return 0;

This prints:


Converting a std::string_view to a C-style string

Some old functions (such as the old strlen function) still expect C-style strings. To convert a std::string_view to a C-style string, we can do so by first converting to a std::string:

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

int main()
  std::string_view sv{ "balloon" };


  // Create a std::string from the std::string_view
  std::string str{ sv };

  // Get the null-terminated C-style string.
  auto szNullTerminated{ str.c_str() };

  // Pass the null-terminated string to the function that we want to use.
  std::cout << str << " has " << std::strlen(szNullTerminated) << " letter(s)\n";

  return 0;

This prints:

ball has 4 letter(s)

However, creating a std::string every time we want to pass a std::string_view as a C-style string is expensive, so this should be avoided if possible.

Passing strings by const std::string& or std::string_view?

One question that often comes up: is it better to pass strings by const std::string& or std::string_view?

If we want to write a function that takes a string parameter, making the parameter a std::string_view is the most flexible choice, because it can work efficiently with C-style string arguments (including string literals), std::string arguments (which will implicitly convert to std::string_view), and std::string_view arguments:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

void printSV(std::string_view sv)
    std::cout << sv << '\n';

int main()
    std::string s{ "Hello, world" };
    std::string_view sv { s };

    printSV(s);              // ok: pass std::string
    printSV(sv);             // ok: pass std::string_view
    printSV("Hello, world"); // ok: pass C-style string literal
    return 0;

Note that we pass std::string_view by value instead of by const reference. This is because std::string_view is typically fast to copy, and pass by value is optimal for cheap to copy types.

There is one case where making the parameter a const std::string& is generally better: if your function needs to call some other function that takes a C-style string or std::string parameter, then const std::string& may be a better choice, as std::string_view is not guaranteed to be null-terminated (something that C-style string functions expect) and does not efficiently convert back to a std::string.

Best practice

Prefer passing strings using std::string_view (by value) instead of const std::string&, unless your function calls other functions that require C-style strings or std::string parameters.

Author’s note

Many examples in future lessons were written prior to the introduction of std::string_view, and still use const std::string& for function parameters when std::string_view should be preferred. We’re working on cleaning these up.

Ownership issues

Being only a view, a std::string_view‘s lifetime is independent of that of the string it is viewing. If the viewed string goes out of scope, std::string_view has nothing to observe and accessing it causes undefined behavior. The string that a std::string_view is viewing has to have been created somewhere else. It might be a string literal that lives as long as the program does or it was created by a std::string, in which case the string lives until the std::string decides to destroy it or the std::string dies. std::string_view can’t create any strings on its own, because it’s just a view.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

std::string_view askForName()
  std::cout << "What's your name?\n";

  // Use a std::string, because std::cin needs to modify it.
  std::string name{};
  std::cin >> name;

  // We're switching to std::string_view for demonstrative purposes only.
  // If you already have a std::string, there's no reason to switch to
  // a std::string_view.
  std::string_view view{ name };

  std::cout << "Hello " << view << '\n';

  return view;
} // name dies, and so does the string that name created.

int main()
  std::string_view view{ askForName() };

  // view is observing a string that already died.
  std::cout << "Your name is " << view << '\n'; // Undefined behavior

  return 0;
What's your name?
Hello nascardriver
Your name is �P@�P@

In function askForName(), we create name and fill it with data from std::cin. Then we create view, which can view that string. At the end of the function, we return view, but the string it is viewing (name) is destroyed, so view is now pointing to deallocated memory. The function returns a dangling std::string_view.

Accessing the returned std::string_view in main causes undefined behavior, which on the author’s machine produced weird characters.

The same can happen when we create a std::string_view from a std::string and then modify the std::string. Modifying a std::string can cause its internal string to die and be replaced with a new one in a different place. The std::string_view will still look at where the old string was, but it’s not there anymore.


Make sure that the underlying string viewed with a std::string_view does not go out of scope and isn’t modified while using the std::string_view.

Opening the window (kinda) via the data() function

The string being viewed by a std::string_view can be accessed by using the data() function, which returns a C-style string. This provides fast access to the string being viewed (as a C-string). But it should also only be used if the std::string_view‘s view hasn’t been modified (e.g. by remove_prefix or remove_suffix) and the string being viewed is null-terminated.

In the following example, std::strlen doesn’t know what a std::string_view is, so we need to pass it str.data():

#include <cstring> // For std::strlen
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main()
  std::string_view str{ "balloon" };

  std::cout << str << '\n';

  // We use std::strlen because it's simple, this could be any other function
  // that needs a null-terminated string.
  // It's okay to use data() because we haven't modified the view, and the
  // string is null-terminated.
  std::cout << std::strlen(str.data()) << '\n';

  return 0;

When a std::string_view has been modified, data() doesn’t always do what we’d like it to. The following example demonstrates what happens when we access data() after modifying the view:

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main()
  std::string_view str{ "balloon" };

  // Remove the "b"
  // remove the "oon"
  // Remember that the above doesn't modify the string, it only changes
  // the region that str is observing.

  std::cout << str << " has " << std::strlen(str.data()) << " letter(s)\n";
  std::cout << "str.data() is " << str.data() << '\n';
  std::cout << "str is " << str << '\n';

  return 0;
all has 6 letter(s)
str.data() is alloon
str is all

Clearly this isn’t what we’d intended, and is a consequence of trying to access the data() of a std::string_view that has been modified. The length information about the string is lost when we access data(). std::strlen and std::cout keep reading characters from the underlying string until they find the null-terminator, which is at the end of “balloon”.


Only use std::string_view::data() if the std::string_view‘s view hasn’t been modified and the string being viewed is null-terminated. Using std::string_view::data() of a non-null-terminated string can cause undefined behavior.

Incomplete implementation

Being a relatively recent feature, std::string_view isn’t implemented as well as it could be.

std::string s{ "hello" };
std::string_view v{ "world" };

// Doesn't work
std::cout << (s + v) << '\n';
std::cout << (v + s) << '\n';

// Potentially unsafe, or not what we want, because we're treating
// the std::string_view as a C-style string.
std::cout << (s + v.data()) << '\n';
std::cout << (v.data() + s) << '\n';

// Ok, but ugly and wasteful because we have to construct a new std::string.
std::cout << (s + std::string{ v }) << '\n';
std::cout << (std::string{ v } + s) << '\n';
std::cout << (s + static_cast<std::string>(v)) << '\n';
std::cout << (static_cast<std::string>(v) + s) << '\n';

There’s no reason why line 5 and 6 shouldn’t work. They will probably be supported in a future C++ version.

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